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300 dies i 1 mes

Avui fa 300 dies que vaig arribar a Anglaterra. Com diu en Johnnie, HOW SCARY! Doncs si, fa por com passa el temps de ràpid.

Feia les maletes amb en Bruc, la Minnie i la Dolça sobre del meu llit.

Tot preparat per anar a un païs que plou, fa vent i digúessim que l'estiu quasi no el veiem. Disfruto. Cada moment per petit que sigui.

I per altra banda, en un mes, trepitjaré terres catalanes després de 102 dies. Ja queda poquet, però de moment, aprofitaré les hores de sol que Anglaterra em proporciona cada poc temps.

Ens veiem aviat!


300 days in England! As Johnnie says: HOW SCARY! Yes, he's right. Is quite scary how the time is going. So fast.

That that, I was packing my luggage to come. I had Bruc, Minnie and Dolça on my bed helping it.

All ready to go somewhere that it rains, is windy and you can not see the summer. I enjoy. very moment for little as can be.

By the way, in one month, I will go to my country, Catalonia after 102 days. From Easter. Not too far, but for the moment I'm gonna enjoy every sunny hour that England can give us.

See you soon,

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About Me

It's me, Elna. A friendly and happy girl who with 21 yearls old decided to go to England to improve her english. Do you want to come and join my adventure? 

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